There’s nothing like waking up or going to bed and getting a text or email from someone you care about telling you how they feel about you.
So if you know the feeling, you’ll know that someone you love or really like will appreciate getting a “how I feel about you” quote from you!
You can compare your feelings to them by using a metaphor, lyrics, or by just simply reminding them of a fun moment you shared together. Telling them how your life would be different without them would also do the trick.
Some of the quotes we’ve gathered together below would also work beautifully for wedding vows. Make your quote convey how vulnerable you are and you’ll have the best “how I feel about you” quote ever!
Beautiful Quotes on How I Feel About You
1. Your love is like a cup of coffee on a winter morning – comforting and warm. Just a sip is enough to make me forget about the hardships of life. I can’t express how I feel for you but you mean the world to me!

2. The only thing that I have done right in my life is loving you. I might not be perfect for you. But, I can assure you that I will spend the rest of my life trying to be the partner you deserve.
3. You have made me realize what true love really feels like. I feel you are my ultimate destination. I hope that I make you feel the same way I feel about you. I love you.
4. This lifetime is not enough to tell you how I feel about you. I only hope that if there is an afterlife where you and I are a part of each other.
5. Love is the most beautiful thing that you cannot hear or see but feel in your heart. When I am near you, I forget about everything else that has ever existed. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
6. Every morning is a reminder of how lucky I am to have you beside me. And I hope to God every day that I can be the person who deserves to be with you.
7. Now that you are in my life, I feel complete. You are an addiction that has made my life so much better. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
8. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life! You are the person who made me feel things that I had only read in novels. I love you.
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9. My favorite place to be is right next to you. I just want to give you all the happiness you deserve because you are the reason for mine.
10. I wanted to be your friend. I dreamt to be your lover. I now know that dreams come true. Never doubt the love that I have for you because it is the only thing in my life that I am sure of.