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10 Husband Hurting Wife Quotes

For those times when you or someone you know need a few comforting words to deal with a tumultuous time in a relationship, there are many quotes about husbands hurting wives.

Just a reminder, physical abuse is never okay and should be reported immediately, even if you just tell a friend. But there are times when maybe you’ve just had an argument with your significant other, or know someone who did, and want to hear words of wisdom.

These 10 quotes about husbands hurting their wives offer a comforting word and will suit many frustrating times during relationships.

Pick one out or keep the whole list on hand when you know someone who needs a reminder that tough times can always be overcome.


Quotes on Husband Hurting Wife

1. Men are not meant to hurt their wives. They have a bigger role. They’re there to protect her and love her. A man hurting his wife is no man.

Husband Hurting Wife Quotes


2. It’s true, the greatest gift a husband can give to his wife is to not hurt her. Everything else falls into place when a man stops to understand what hurts her.

Husband Hurting Wife Quotes


3. It absolutely feels the worst in the world when your husband hurts you and breaks you but does not even realize what he’s doing. Nobody deserves that. Not even you.

Husband Hurting Wife Quotes


4. Dear Husband, don’t hurt your wife. She loves you dearly. Don’t think her silence is submission. Her silence is a painful protest to keep you in her life no matter what.

Husband Hurting Wife Quotes


5. A husband who hurts does not need a wife who submits to it. He needs his mother and a father to teach him better. That is where change should begin.

Quotes When Husband Hurts Wife


6. When you take her as your wife, tell her you won’t hurt her. Physically, verbally, emotionally and spiritually. Tell her you’ll be the husband to respect her on all grounds.

Quotes When Husband Hurts Wife


7. Marriage has its ups and downs. But no ups and downs can justify a husband hurting his wife. Don’t let them cover a toxic relationship that’s killing you from inside.

Husband Hurting Wife Quotes


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8. If your husband is hurting you but you’re unable to fix it, have faith in God. God always has a plan for you. Believe in him to show the light.

Quotes When Husband Hurts Wife


9. It hurts like hell when your husband doesn’t treat you right. What hurts even more is when they act like they don’t even know what they have been doing.

Feeling Hurt By Husband Quotes


10. Caring for your wife is quite easy. Be the husband who doesn’t hurt her or belittle her. That’s all it takes to let her know that she’s special to you.

Husband Hurting Wife Quotes